Thanks a million | 2021/22

June 9, 2022 | Words by Kelsey Verboom

ARTICLES > Heli-Skiing • 4 min read

June 9, 2022

It has been a while since we’ve had the chance to celebrate the milestones of our Million Footers since the pandemic forced our closure during the 2020/21 season.

This season’s results make it apparent our guests had some pent-up vertical feet to be skied and ridden!

We saw 182 guests reach Million Foot milestones of between one to 14 million vertical feet. An exclusive crew of seven people reached milestones of 10 million or more. Congratulations!

It was incredible to see everyone back at our 12 destinations, and we thank everyone who went to extra lengths to visit us this year. Here’s to many more powder pilgrimages and millions of feet heli-skied.


1 Million Feet

Albin, Arthur (Art)
Alonso, Chris
Alphand, Luc
Anderson, Bryan D.
Atkins, Thomas (Chet)
Bagley, Richard T.(Rich)
Batt, James T.
Beers, Michael R. (Mike)
Bernard, Francois
Beutel Raga, Carlos
Blanchard Galligo, Carlos
Brunker, Lester (Les)
Casagrande, Andrea
Chambers, Franklin (Frank)
Chaya, Nabil
Contreras, Roberto
Courtright, Timothy (Tim)
Cunagin, James (Jay)
Dalton, Christopher C. (Chris)
Dempsey, Gary
Disbrow, David E.
Dobrinski, Ina
Edminston, Carol
Egna, Brad
Ellis, Stephen
Fairbanks, Jonathan (JB)
Fitzgerald, Garrett
Follett, Crawford
Fontana, Daniel (Dan)
Gammell, Peter
Garratt, Tyler
Gemes, Sebastien
Girod, Emmanuel
Girod, Pierre-Yves
Glascock, Mark Zachary (Zack)
Goldmann, Axel
Granelli, Fredrik
Gray, Andrew
Gurdjian, Alexis
Gustafson, Britt
Hansen, Fabio
Hartl, Harald (Harry)
Hiebler, Wolfgang
Hofmann, Steve
Innes, Ashley
Innes, George
Jensen, Diane
Kakad, Sacha
Kalange, John
Keeble, Benedict (Ben)
Kleissner, Alex
Kinsley, Douglas (Doug)
Lau, Jeremy
Longsworth, Benjamin
MacArthur, Charles (Charlie)
Martinez Dias, Francisco Javie
Medina Martinez, Marino
Mintz, Amanda
Molins Duran, Joan
Murray, Terry (Tee)
Ochi, Kenneth (Ken)
Olson, Ryan
Peabody, John W.
Penske, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Pickel, Greg
Pierce, Andrew (Andy)
Proulx, Charles
Pugh, William (Bill)
Rainey, Michael (Mike)
Rappange, Belle Julia
Resnick, Leslie
Roberts, Nicole
Saut, Pierre
Schattman, Glenn
Schoell, Hans-Peter
Shaper, Charles (Park)
Shute, Jeff
Smith, David
Splichal, Christoph
Theumann, Nicolas
Tressler, Michael (Mike)
Truccone, Giovanni (Gianni)
Veilleux, Daniel
Vilanova Alzamora, Manel
Vintilescu, Wilhelm
Wednt Alvarez, Carlos
Wicht, Stephane
Wilder, Nicholas (Nick)
Zitelli, Mark
Zutter, Wilfred


2 Million Feet

Abellan Mochon, Jose
Alley, Ken
Berndt, Herbert Ronald (Ronald)
Brown, Kingsley (King)
Burgess, Sophie
Burrows, Ian
Cegelka, John E. (Jack)
Compton, Robert A.
Currier, Rand
Curry, Ellen
Dube, Eric
Fuchs, Robert
Gregoire, Michael (Mike)
Guthrie, Stuart
Johnson, Howard
Karady, Gyorgy (Gyuri)
Krapf, Gary
Maierhofer, Christoph (Cri)
Mastran, David (Dave)
Ogarrio Kalb, Fernando
Rathmann, Andreas
Riva, Paolo
Samway, Timothy
Stoehr, Thomas (Tom)
Sundsbo, Solve
Thomas, Roger W.
Tomann, Matthias
Wegerer, Robert
Wilbur, David (Dave)


3 Million Feet

Athas, Christopher (Chris)
Broad, Andrew
Conner, Cathy
Karz, Robert (Rob)
Mark, Denis
Mustoe, Thomas (Tom)
Nicholson, Nathaniel (Jake)
Putnam, Randall (Randy)
Ryser, David A.
Stonecipher, Charles (Chuck)


4 Million Feet

Baldwin, Gregory (Greg)
Boland, Gregory (Greg)
Bonar, Nicole
Bruce, Arden
Clark, William M. (Bill)
DeLayo, Dianne
Eberli, Bruno
Follett, Matthew (Matt)
Green, Kenneth (Ken)
Hood, Jerry
Losee, Todd
Malot, James (Jim)
Ryan, Ralph
Shanley, John
Thomsson, David


5 Million Feet

Anton, John
Byrnes, John
Clin, Philippe
Cummins, Barbara (Bambi)
Deforest, Dane
Handy, Wesley (Grey)
Kahn, Caroline
Kluft, Brian D.
Lederer, Michael
Lichtblau, William (Bill)
Matchinske, Steven G.
Moavenian, Nader
Morris, Michael
Nicholson, Peter
Rolles, Ingrid
Thrall, J. Randall (Randy)
Tobler, Bruno
Watts, Timothy (Tim)
Wilson, Timothy (Tim)
Withers, Toby

6 Million Feet

Albrecht, Hans
Kracum, Richard (Rich)
Landes, David
Naito, Kenneth (Ken)
Rappange, Robbert (Rob)
Robinson, John (Robbie)

7 Million Feet

Brown, Robin
Mintz, Ann
Smith, Susan F.

8 Million Feet

Taft, David A.

9 Million Feet

Rath, Tim

10 Million Feet

Clark, Charles Ed (Ed)
Rosenberg, Stephen

11 Million Feet

Disbrow, Eric C.
Kruse, Steven (Steve)

12 Million Feet

Mix, Robin

13 Million Feet

Robinson, Frederick (George)

14 Million Feet

Brandtjen, Hank III[/stag_one_third] [/stag_columns]