Watch: 60 Years of This

Celebrating six decades of heli-skiing

Heli-skiing first took flight six decades ago among the granite spires of the Bugaboos in British Columbia, Canada. It was the first successful commercial heli-skiing trip and the start of CMH Heli-Skiing.

Hans Gmoser, CMH’s founder and renowned Mountain Guide, led that inaugural trip on April 5, 1965. Its success sparked an entire industry and a new way of skiing.

So, here’s to 60 years of people joined by the thread of a snow-filled dream. Here’s to all the moments in between. The first flights and lodge nights. The mountaintops and lunch stops. The steep drops, face shots, tall tales, yard sales, first-timers and old-timers. Here’s to you, and to those yet to experience the view.

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  1. Sign up for weekly stories and photos of CMH people, powder and places, sent straight to your inbox
  2. Join us on a trip this season or next to celebrate in powder, in person.
  3. Share your favourite memories of time spent at CMH in the comments below.

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9 Responses

  1. We’ve been skiing with CMH for 28 years of pure joy and at 83 old are still at it – although not the first person to the pickup.

  2. My first run at the Bugs in the early 70’s was on Martinsville with my buddy Butch and Leo Grillmaier was our guide. We saw an little ad in Skiing Mag. that said, CMH helicopter skiing $635. We paid our deposit and now…here we are! Leo took off and 11 of us are in tow. We stop after the first pitch and Butch and I are right behind him. Leo says, “Where are you guys from?” we told him Colorado.
    He said, “Let the other guys go first sometimes.” We said we would. Off we go on the second pitch. Butch and I waited till everybody took off. We started down, passed everybody up, and again we were first behind Leo. Leo turned around and said, “What the hello did I tell you two? Let some others go first.” I said, Leo, we waited till everybody took off. Then we did and passed them all.” Leo said, “Well shit! That’s OK. At least you tried”.

    That was my first run at CMH. It was the best. Leo was the best. And…CMH IS THE BEST!
    I was hooked. 65 weeks later and 7,500,000 feet later I have a book full of memories at CMH but I will never forget that very first one!

  3. I believe we might have been the first family to ski with CMH starting in 1967, before the Bugaboo lodge was build. We stayed in the old logging camp and shared our cabin with a family of Martins (hence the name Martinsville). Every morning Hans would come in to light the fire then we were off to the cook shack for breakfast cooked by Margaret and make our lunches (pancakes with peanut butter & Jam) for a day out. The tiny helicopter our first year and not the best weather made for interesting tree skiing, touring (on alpine skis with army surplus skins) or tow rides behind skidoo through the woods with wild and fun Kiwi. The other skiers were a bit miffed at my dad for bring his 4 “little kids” (10 – 17) until the first run when we all took off after Hans and pretty much out skied most the heavier adults in the deep & damp snow.
    We returned many years after that watching CMH grow and expanding our ski horizons. Eventually we all earned our million foot suits sometime in the 1990’s (not much vertical in those early days!). Many, many unbelievable family memories and dear friends made on the mountains & in the lodges.

  4. I have so many great memories. Great company!my boys are working me to come again.
    Had knee replaced 2 years ago. Not physically fit. 82!!! But wondering.
    Had over 4 million great memories with CMH. Galena my favourite!!!

  5. This company thrives through its people and places. So proud to have played a small part in its history – and so excited to see what’s to come. Thanks you CMH!

  6. I began skiing with CMH around 1980 with a group of doctors, dentists and attorneys that came up yearly. That journey began at the Carriboos and we gradually settled into Galena. Hans used to swing by almost every trip, Ernest was a guide and we had so many fun times at every lodge we visited that it’s hard to pick out one. I think the funniest moment was when one of our group earned his million suit we took his old ski suit, that he had worn daily for years, placed in on a cross, doused it with gas and burned it, to everyone’s delight!
    For my 75th birthday I brought my family up to Revelstoke and this year for my 80th we’re returning to where it all began for me, the Cariboos, for Christmas on a family week.

The sun setting over a snowy mountain vista, seen from a helicopter.

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